GlobalNews VIDEO: What are Canada’s electoral reform options?

Confused about voting reform?  We don't blame you.  There's a whole bunch of options, terms and acronyms being thrown around.

Last week we posted Mark Coffin's explanation of voting reform options for Canada.

Here's Global News' attempt to explain proportional representation and ranked ballots, in a short snappy video:


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Horses, shuffles and a buffet • A fun look at voting systems



East coast democracy activist Mark Coffin has put together a clever series of articles explaining four different voting systems.

It's worth a read!


Part I: The Horse Race (First Pas the Post)

Part II - The Ballot Shuffle (Ranked Choice Voting)

Part III - The Buffet (Proportional Representation - List PR)

Part IV - Reimagining democracy: The best of both ballots  (Mixed Member Proportional - MMP)



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REPORT CARD: Which party is talking about democratic reform the most?


This week, Canada's four major national parties launched their campaigns for the 2015 federal election.

I was curious to find out which party did the best job, at their campaign launch, of highlighting the need for democratic renewal and explaining how they would help Canadians rebuild trust with our political system.

I assumed that, at minimum, Mulcair would probably mention his policy to abolish the Senate and Elizabeth May would probably highlight the need for proportional representation. I also thought that Trudeau would likely mention his commitment to getting rid of First-Past-the-Post or perhaps one of the other democratic reforms he's proposed. Admittedly, my expectations for Harper were low (simply because incumbents rarely talk about the need for democratic reform).

I spent 66 minutes watching all of the speeches, listening carefully for so I could conduct an in-depth comparative analysis.

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Lego My Vote! Prince Edward Island


Another provincial election, another distorted result!!  Check out the second installment of Lego My Vote!

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Britain is heading to the polls, but they do things a little different than us

The United Kingdom goes to the polls on May 7, but with 7 parties vying for seats in Westminster, many observers are saying that this general election will be like no other the UK has seen.

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Kingston moves forward with democratic renewal

This is exciting: Two weeks ago, Kingston City Council adopted a motion by Mary Rita Holland and Jim Neill, expressing support for municipal ranked ballots, extending voting rights to non-citizens AND lowering the voting age to 16 - all amazing ideas. Here's the full text:

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GLOBE: "How to make young people care: Start by letting them vote"

In today's Globe and Mail, there's a great piece by Elizabeth Renzetti about youth engagement in the upcoming Scottish independence referendum.

The voting age has been set at 16, and the results have been extraordinary.

"It’s not news that young people in Western democracies are generally not passionate about the political process – about issues, yes, and protests, too, but not the nuts and bolts of a system that seems irrelevant and combative."

"So far, about four-fifths of Scotland’s 16- and 17-year-olds have registered to vote – 100,000 people."

One reason we often hear when it comes to so-called "youth apathy", is that many young people feel that politicians aren't speaking to them about the issues they care about.  In the Scottish referendum, that has changed:

"Both sides have taken their message to the teenagers: They hold open-mic nights and comedy shows, and set up booths at music festivals."

"Politicians, too, are turning up at high schools – not their normal stomping grounds – to debate the issues and listen to student concerns (everything from European Union membership to Internet trolling)"

"If nothing else, teens now know that politicians are real, and not demonic puppets only seen shouting at each other on the nightly news."

Is it time to look at a lower voting age in Canada?  Would it increase youth participation? Join Unlock Democracy, and become a part of the growing conversation!

Read the full article in today's Globe here.

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FIFA: Diversity of voting sytems

As the World Cup plays out in Brazil, we thought it would be interesting to look at the voting systems used in each country.  Out of 32 countries, only five are using Canada's broken "First-Past-the-Post system.  Most of the countries are using some form of proportional representation.  And many others are using majority systems or semi-proportional hybrids.  It's a reminder for all of us that there are many options out there worth looking at.

Check out our FIFA chart below, and share!

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"Everybody Play Nice" • London, Ontario joins the movement!

The RaBIT campaign for municipal voting reform launched in Toronto in 2010.  Recently, new campaigns have popped up in Barrie, Ottawa and Vancouver.

Screen_Shot_2014-06-17_at_9.31.05_PM.pngAnd as of this month, we can add London to the growing list!

In this wonderful blog post, Spencer A Sandor explains some of the motivations behind the new campaign.

Welcome 123London!!

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VoteCheck: The Quebec Election




Welcome to1_chart.png VoteCheck!  We'll be publishing election analysis for municipal, provincial and federal elections in Canada to show voters how First Past The Post doesn't give us the governments we actually voted for.  Our first installment is about this week's provincial election in Quebec.  The headlines all say the same thing: "Liberal Majority".  But the actual numbers tell a different story.  The truth is, the majority of Quebec voters did not prefer the Liberal Party.

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